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NiZA publicaties
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  1. The State vs. the People: governance, mining and the transitional regime in the DRC = L'Etat contre le Peuple: La gouvernance, l’exploitation minière et le régime transitoire en RDC / Fatal Transactions, NiZA, IPIS 2006-03-27 . - 72 p.
    Three years of transitional government in the Congo has led to anything but stability and economic prosperity. The corrupt, ruling political class is, more than anything else, engaged in enriching itself.
    Aussi desponible en français au format PDF ou en format TXT (sans photo's et notes).

  2. Struggles in Peacetime: working with ex-combatants in Mozambique = Lutas em Tempo de Paz / Posthumus, Bram; Salomão Tirço Mungoi et al. 2006-03-15 . - 56 p.
    The role of former combatants as peace promotors, particularly in Mozambique.

  3. NiZA Maatschappelijk jaarverslag 2004 / Beleidsafdeling; NiZA 2005-08-22 . - 15 p.

  4. NiZA NEPAD Newsletter / NiZA 2005-08-01 . - 9 p.
    Information for NiZA's partners

  5. Deliberative Policy, Civil Society and Africa's Continental Mechanisms and Programmes - Civil Society Guide / Centre for Public Participation 2005-07-31 . - 60 p.
    A strategy paper developed by the CPP on the opportunities and challenges for Africa’s civil society actors in using deliberative policy strategies to influence the continental governance and peace and security architecture.

  6. HIV/AIDS in Zuidelijk Afrika / Schuringa, Kier (samenst.), Marieke van Twillert (inl.) 2005-07-01 . - 106 p.

  7. Civic education and community mobilization; train-the-trainer manual / Civic Education and Community Mobilization 2005-07-01 . - 41 p.
    Facilitated by NiZA.

  8. NiZA Jaarverslag 2004 / Bos, Berendien; NiZA 2005-06-30 . - 59 p.

  9. Lessons Not Learned: The Other Shell Report 2004 / Advocates for Environmental Rights, Friends of the Earth, Milieudefensie 2005-06-26 . - 30 p.
    Shell still shows a total disregard for the environment and the rights of the people living near its operations in many parts of the world.

  10. Een vriendschapsband van twintig jaar: Stedenband Amsterdam - Beira / Driel, Nini van; NiZA 2005-06-17 . - 56 p.
    De stedenband Amsterdam - Beira 1987-2005.

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