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  13 items  >>
  1. Zingende pijnbomen: een kroniek van Amsterdam / Luirink, Bart 1996-11-00 . - 191 p.

  2. Truth and reconciliation in South Africa and the Netherlands: compilation of papers presented at a seminar organised by the Kairos Foundation / Dorsman, Robert; Hans Hartman and Lieneke Noteboom-Kronemeijer (ed.) 1999 . - 78 p.

  3. Studie en stage in Zuid-Afrika / NZAV, Kairos 2003 . - 62 p.

  4. State of Media Report 2006 / Media Institute of Southern Africa; Zimbabwe Chapter 2006-12-01 . - 38 p.
    Record of incidents of media freedom violations in Zimbabwe monitored by MISA in 2006.

  5. So This Is Democracy?: State of media freedom in Southern Africa 2004 / Media Institute of Southern Africa 2005-04-27 . - 207 p.
    Annual record of incidents of media freedom violations in southern Africa monitored by MISA in 2004.

  6. So This Is Democracy?: State of media freedom in Southern Africa 2003 / Media Institute of Southern Africa 2004-04-28 . - 171 p.
    Annual record of incidents of media freedom violations in southern Africa monitored by MISA in 2003.

  7. Résultats provisoires du 1er tour de l’élection présidentielle / Commission Electorale Indépendente 2006-07-21 . - 2 p.
    La CEI a rendu publics dimanche 20 août 2006 les résultats provisoires du 1er tour de l’élection présidentielle.

  8. Renamo: from terrorism to democracy in Mozambique? / Vines, Alex 1996 . - 209 p.

  9. Precious Metal / Marc Curtis / NiZA ActionAid 2008
    The impact of Anglo Platinum on poor
    communities in Limpopo, South Africa

  10. Namibia and the Netherlands: 350 years of relations / Hendrix, Huub ed. 2006 . - 156 p.

  13 items  >>
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