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  Stedenband Beira
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  6 items  
  1. Tradition on the move: chiefs, democracy and change in rural South Africa / Oomen, Barbara 2000-08 . - 72 p.

  2. Women challenging society: stories of women's empowerment in Southern Africa / Maurick, Madeleine and Bram Posthumus eds. 1999 . - 56 p.

  3. Beira!: de stedenband tussen Amsterdam en Beira / Vugts, Paul, Holger Jonasson (tekst); Madeleine Maurick (eindred.); Wubbo de Jong (fot.) 1998-12 . - 47 p.

  4. Freedom is a bomb that explodes in your head: mission report on freedom of expression in Southern Africa / Maurick, Madeleine and Bob van der Winden (ed.) 1998 . - 64 p.

  5. Echoes of violence: articles and speeches around the dilemmas of building a future on the ruins of a violent past / Hilhorst, Pieter, Madeleine Maurick (ed.) 1997-04-00 . - 48 p.

  6. Media en democratisering in Zuidelijk Afrika / Bos, Berendien, Ineke van Kessel en Petra Willemsteijn 1997-04 . - 64 p.

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