Fatal Transactions
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Fatal Transactions  |  other

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  1. Table ronde sur l'Initiative de Transparence des Industries Extractives en RRC, ITIE/RDC - enjeux et perspectives / CENADEP, Global Witness 2005-05-10 . - 36 p.
    Rapport d'une table ronde, Kinshasa du 9 - 10 mai 2005.

  2. Other Facets, Nr.17 / Partnership Africa Canada 2005-05-01 . - 4 p.
    Newsletter on the international effort to end diamonds-related conflict.

  3. Other Facets, Nr.16 / Partnership Africa Canada 2005-02-01 . - 4 p.
    Newsletter on the international effort to end diamonds-related conflict.

  4. Rush and ruin: the devastating mineral trade in Southern Katanga, DRC / Global Witness 2004-09-28 . - 32 p.
    The rush to exploit copper and cobalt in Katanga is contributing to the ruin of the economy, the environment and the livelihoods of thousands of Congolese.

  5. Other Facets, Nr.14 / Partnership Africa Canada 2004-06-01 . - 4 p.
    Newsletter on the international effort to end diamonds-related conflict.

  6. Broken vows: exposing the "loupe" holes in the diamond industry's efforts to prevent the trade in conflict diamonds / Global Witness 2004-03-30 . - 34 p.
    US retailers are not doing enough to stop the trade in conflict diamonds.

  7. Unanswered questions: companies, conflict and the DRC / Rights and Accountability in Development 2004-03-17 . - 17 p.
    OECD Governments fail to investigate corporate role in DR Congo war.

  8. The EU and the Kimberley Process: is the Kimberley Process an example for Corporate Social responsibility? / Hund, Kirsten; NiZA-Fatal Transactions 2004-03-15 . - 4 p.
    Presentation at the European Parliament, why the kimberley Process doesn't work in Angola. An example from the Lunda provinces.

  9. Other Facets, Nr.12 / Partnership Africa Canada 2003-12-01 . - 4 p.

  10. Motherhood, apple pie and false teeth: Corporate social responsibility in the diamond industry / Smillie, Ian; Partnership Africa Canada 2003-06-05 . - 16 p.

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