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Titel   The EU and the Kimberley Process: is the Kimberley Process an example for Corporate Social responsibility?
Auteur/Redactie Hund, Kirsten; NiZA-Fatal Transactions
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Uitgave Brussels: European Parliament
Jaar 2004-03-15
Pagina's 4
Samenvatting Presentation at the European Parliament, why it doesn't work in Angola. An example from the Lunda provinces. There are 4 main problems
  1. Hate-campaign against the Congolese Garimpeiros: In its strive to control the diamond areas, Angolan government has started a campaign against Congolese ‘garimpeiros’ who are digging for diamonds in the Lunda provinces; chasing them with tens of thousands across the border, using brutal violence.
  2. Access to land: Angolan government is in high speed selling concessions, is trying to get rid of the artisanal miners.
  3. Environmental problems: By digging off riverbanks on a massive scale the course of rivers is in some cases completely relocated, erosion, non-sustainable exhaustion of the soil, etc.
  4. Transparency/corruption: Monopolisation of diamond revenues by certain officials.
 more documents on the Lunda provinces
more documents on the Kimberley Process and Angola
more documents on diamonds and Angola
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Land Internationaal , Angola , DRC , Europa
  • Conflict
  • Economie
  • Internationale betrekkingen
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