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Titel   Annotated bibliography on the TRC in South Africa
Auteur/Redactie Schuringa, Kier, ed.; Pref. by Cees Flinterman
Uitgave Amsterdam: NiZA
Jaar 2004-05-01
Pagina's 121
Reeks BIDOC dossier; nr.6 (May 2004)
Prijs: €5
Samenvatting NiZA Library, Information and Documentation Centre has systematically collected documentation from and on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in South Africa since 1994 and created access to this collection through its databases. This dossier contains the results of this work: an annotated bibliography of over 1000 sources on the TRC and the truth and reconciliation process in South Africa from the past ten years. These sources range from books to research papers and other documents (many collected through the internet), and from articles from newspapers and periodicals to a very substantial collection of statements and reports published by the TRC itself. They cover the full spectre of the work of the TRC in South Africa and the debates surrounding the TRC-process. Especially the more recent items include a lot of sources on the amnesty process of the TRC and the issue of reparations to the victims of human rights violations in South Africa since the 1960s, as well as sources on TRC-processes in other countries, mainly in Africa.

For the TRC report itself, see:

The PDF-file below is without cover and illustrations, the pagination differs from the original hardcopy.
Bestand TRCdossier-2004May.pdf (434 Kb)
Land Zuid-Afrika
  • Conflict
  • Mensenrechten
  • Overheid
  • Recht
  • Samenleving