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Support NiZA

NiZA dedicates itself to democracy, the media, economic development and human rights in southern Africa. NiZA supports partners in southern Africa, organizes debates and campaigns and disseminates information on developments in the region.

NiZA strives to keep southern Africa in the public eye. It is a great help to our partner organisations and to the population to know that people are committed to their cause. NiZA is being subsidized, but is also largely dependent on personal donations. We could not carry out our work without our private sponsors. Moreover, our sponsors enable us to adopt an independent and critical attitude.

You can also make a contribution: become a sponsor of NiZA!
Sponsors of NiZA receive the quarterly NiZA Informatie (in Dutch), an informative and colourful publication highlighting the various activities of NiZA and informing you of the latest developments.

If you want to receive a copy of NiZA Informatie, just send us a request by e-mail.

NiZA has been awarded the CBF quality mark for charitable causes.

How to support NiZA
You can support NiZA in several ways: