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28 september 2006
NiZA in recente beoordelingen ministerie

Wie geld ontvangt, legt verantwoording af. In 2006 is NiZA’s werk beoordeeld door het ministerie voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Het ministerie was lovend over NiZA's manier van werken, de relaties met partnerorganisaties en de resultaten van NiZA's inspanningen.

In de afgelopen vier jaar ontving NiZA subsidie van het ministerie voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Deze subsidie maakte ongeveer een kwart uit van de totale begroting. Evaluaties van het werk van NiZA (in opdracht van het ministerie) waren stuk voor stuk positief tot zeer lovend. De negatieve beoordeling van NiZA’s subsidieaanvraag vormt daarmee een schrille tegenstelling.


NiZA ontving evenals vele andere organisaties van 2003-2006 subsidie van het ministerie vanuit het ‘Thematische Medefinancieringsstelsel’ (TMF). De grootschalige evaluatie van deze subsidielijn (met 9 deelstudies) werd in 2006 samengevat in een Synthesis Report. Enkele citaten hieruit over NiZA:

the researchers do report clear examples of cases where increased respect for human rights has effectively contributed to “or can plausibly be assumed to contribute to” the reduction of poverty, and they commend organizations like NIZA for having a relatively large output in terms of reach and effects despite a minor input in terms of money. (p. 37)

In some cases the northern TMF organizations build up a strong chain, with intensive relationships, and strong involvement of staff to and from (e.g., NIZA and Pax Christi)


These relationships are often less influenced by financial relationships, but more by solidarity and professional ‘brother- or sisterhoods’. The M&E study concluded that the more integrated the chains are the better scope exists for strategic learning. (p.63)

Zie ook: (Synthese Rapportage)

Enkele citaten uit de specifieke evaluaties (deelstudies):

Over NiZA’s Mensenrechtenprogramma:

NiZA seems to generate, with a relatively small input – small at least compared to the input of other donors – a serious output with regard to the improvement and strengthening of the internal organisation of its partners
(p. 79)

NiZA, with its focus on capacitybuilding in the field of legal aid, seems to fulfil an important niche in the field of development aid. Most of the partners appreciate this aspect in their co-operation with NiZA.

Many partners seem to have ‘a personal relationship’ with NiZA. […] What makes NiZA special in the eyes of some of its partners is that it is not purely a funding organization. It facilitates networking, but it also has a clear political focus in its work. It plays ‘an activist role, and does not regard itself as a donor’. (p. 76)

Zie ook: (eindrapportage Mensenrechten)

Over NiZA’s systeem om de voortgang en resultaten van de activiteiten in het Zuiden te volgen (monitoren) en te evalueren:

NiZA has made a strong point in thoroughly improving the PME systems of its partners through specific capacity building activities and prepares its partners to handle funds of different origin in a better way. (p.34)

One secret of good M&E of complicated development processes seems to be to combine and joint learning along the chain, and accountability upwards in the chain. A number of organisations have found this balance. NiZA, which, by virtue of its core-subsidy could invest much time and effort in M&E, learned this lesson, as illustrated by its statement: “when learning takes place, accountability follows”. (p. 67)

Zie ook: (eindrapportage Monitoring en Evaluatie)


De vereniging PSO ontvangt haar budget van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. NiZA ontvangt op haar beurt geld van PSO voor de programma’s in het Zuiden. In opdracht van het ministerie is PSO in 2005 geëvalueerd door onderzoeksbureau Ecorys. In deze evaluatie is opnieuw NiZA’s Human Rights and Peace Building Programme (HR&PBP, mensenrechtenprogramma) onder de loep genomen. Enkele citaten:

Overall appreciation of partner organisations of the high added value of NiZA’s support. It should be noted that those partner organisations that receive support from HR&PBP receive valuable mentoring support from NiZA. (p.52)

Even though the HR&PBP is just over 1 year old, interviewed project stakeholders suggest that there have already been very positive effects on staff skills in three partner organisations of NiZA. NGOs report that they have learned from the instructors and from one another. (p.55)

There is evidence that the partner organisations involved in the NiZA supported projects have enhanced their relevance, effectiveness and financial viability. (p.58)

Interviews suggest that there are some valuable institutional results emerging as a spin-off of the NiZA-project, which is bringing together similar minded human rights organisations in Southern Africa for synergistic collaboration. The partner organisations in Malawi all noted how much they valued this interaction with NiZA and with other human rights organisations in the region. (p.60).

NiZA’s vierjarige Mediaprogramma 2000-2004 werd gefinancierd door PSO. In opdracht van PSO en NiZA is het mediaprogramma beoordeeld door twee onafhankelijke evaluatoren. Enkele citaten uit hun rapport:

In all it appears that NiZA has been succesful in conceiving and introducing a coherent, sensible and relevant Plan for the Media Sector. It has developed an excellent network with highly relevant partner organisations with whom it has established positive and professionally sound relationships. While NiZA operates on the basis of a clearly expressed philosophy and on the basis of clear principles and procedures, partner organisations feel and are in charge of the activities supported by NiZA. Most support seems to be relevant and quite effective, in the sense that it contributes to specific aspects of the capabilities of partner organisations.

NiZA is considered one of the most important donors/partners in strengthening the media sector both at the national and regional levels. The support of NiZA is considered highly relevant and useful.

Partners perceive NiZA as an important partner in the media sector and also state that in the light of the political situation in the SADC the advocacy and brokerage support of NiZA is relevant. Advocacy efforts at the international level strenghten the initiatives at the regional and national levels.

Partners also consider it as important that NiZA provided possibilities for access and dialogue with the stakeholders of NiZA in the Netherlands. The partners that have participated in the living yearbook meetings or a series of debates of NiZA in the Netherlands have valued highly this encounter with the public in the Netherlands.

The support to media organisations in SADC countries has been highly relevant, both in the regional context as well as for individual partner organisations. Both partners and external stakeholders consider NiZA one of the most important donors and players in the area of media sector development in Southern Africa. This is shown, for example, by the fact that NiZA is presently chairing the Southern Africa Media Funder's Forum (p.66)

Meer nieuws over het subsidiebesluit van de minister

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