Fatal Transactions

The dark side of diamonds

Revenues from diamond mining, oil production and gold mining are being used to perpetuate bloody conflicts in Angola, the democratic republic of Congo (DRC) and Sierra Leone.

The international Fatal Transactions campaign works for an effective system of monitoring the raw materials trade from conflict areas, to make sure that by buying a glittering diamond, golden jewellery or petrol, we do not support terror.

Six non-governmental organisations have joined the International Fatal Transactions Campaign so far. So far, the campaign has mainly focused on diamonds.

But Fatal Transactions calls upon governments and a company to ensure that trade in any kind of raw materials does not contribute to the continuation of wars in Africa.

Consumers are being asked to point out its responsibility to the business sector. The spiral of trade and terror can only be broken out of by a critical attitude on the part of consumers who should continue to ask questions.

If you wish to participate in the campaign, or want to learn whether there’s a national Fatal Transactions secretariat in your home country, please go to:, or contact the international secretariat at:

For more detailed info we recommend the ‘links' and 'publications' section at the site of the Dutch Fatal Transactions campaign. Most background articles and related sites are in English.

This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Community. The views expressed herein are those of Fatal Transactions and can therefor in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European community.