
Nieuw: online database bij 'Cooperating for Science'

De database die hoort bij het boek 'Cooperating for Science', een overzicht van alle Nederlands / Zuid-Afrikaanse partnerships op gebied van research en hoger onderwijs, is nu online beschikbaar.

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installation academic partnerships.pdf (384 Kb)

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manual academic partnerships.pdf (98 Kb)

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Meer over 'Cooperating for Science'

This book is a report on an inventory and analysis of the state of research and education partnerships between Dutch and South African research and higher education institutions, research councils and institutes. It has been compiled by a team of Dutch and South African researchers.

This study represents an effort to enhance understanding of the existing terrain of research and training partnerships between the two countries. The study started on the initiative of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, both in The Hague, and was funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in South Africa. The goal of the inventory is to identify existing gaps in Dutch-South African collaborations and to contribute to the development of priorities for future collaborative activities. It focuses primarily on collaborations in scientific research, capacity building and training in all fields and activities.

A SANPAD research team was commissioned to conduct this study over the period April-December 2006. Despite recent attempts to foster mutual capacity-building programmes, there has been little effort to examine the cumulative impact among existing partnerships, the extent of duplication, or the degree to which these activities reflect Dutch or South African national or sectoral priorities. Recent changes within the South African research and higher education landscape present new opportunities and challenges to identify gaps and priorities in research and training. The research and higher education sector has undergone major reforms that seek to address issues of redress, access, resource allocation, diversification, and quality assurance.