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NiZA press briefings |
press briefings 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | ||
2000 | |
4 dec | Apartheid-caused debts: a case of 'odious' debts NiZA invites you to attend the seminar on: Apartheid-caused debts: a case of 'odious' debts, Amsterdam, Monday, December 4th 2000 | |
28 nov | Condolences on the murder of Carlos Cardoso NIZA, formerly the Dutch-based Eduardo Mondlane Institute, hereby expresses its heartfelt condolences to the family of the late Carlos Cardoso, one of Mozambique's most significant journalists, who was brutally assassinated on Wednesday, the 22nd of November 2000. | |
15 nov | Local elections South Africa, Dec. 5 2000 Internet links to websites about the municipal elections in South Africa | |
23 Sept | Living Yearbook Southern Africa 2000 Saturday evening September, 23, NiZA organises for the fourth time the 'Levend Jaarboek Zuidelijk Afrika' in political-cultural centre De Balie in Amsterdam. Visitors can attend discussions, performances etc. from the southern African region. With guests from South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana and Zambia. (in Dutch) | |
22 sept | Mediamarkt Zuidelijk Afrika (in Dutch only) On Friday 22 September NiZA organizes in political-cultural centre De Balie in Amsterdam a Media market in which journalists from Southern Africa tell their story and experiences. This gives an impression how it is to work as journalist in Southern Africa with themes as women in the media, racims in the media, journalism in conflict areas etc. | |
19 June | Joint Press Statement by Civil Society Organisations, Following the World Diamond Congress, 17-19/07/2000 Joint statement by Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA), Amnesty International, Global Witness, Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa (NIZA), Partnership Africa Canada (PAC), Physicians for Humans Rights (PHR), and World Vision | |
24-25 juni | Elections in Zimbabwe - internet links On June 24 and 25 parliamentary elections will be held in Zimbabwe. Here you will find a selection of internet links to Zimbabwean newspapers, NGOs, parties and other news. |
25 juni | Thesis on Zimbabwe wins NiZA essay competition 2000 On Sunday June 25, the economist Wendy Williams from Maastricht will receive the NiZA Thesis Competitition award. (In Dutch only) |
12 mei | Delegatie Zimbabwaanse oppositie op politiek-strategische missie in Europa This week, at the invitation of NiZA and Hivos, and in collaboration with Amnesty International Nederland, Icco, FNV Mondiaal and Novib, is a delegation of the National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) from Zimbabwe on a political strategic mission in Europe - (in Dutch only) |
5 april | Open brief NiZA, HIVOS, ICCO en NOVIB over Zimbabwe Open letter to Minister van Aartsen en Herfkens (in Dutch only) |
2 febr. | Toerisme in Afrika: een studie- en marktdag Op zondag 6 februari is er een studie- en marktdag over toerisme in Afrika. Het programma opent met een lezingenreeks en forum die zowel informatie verschaffen als aanzet geven tot een discussie en kritische waardering van toerisme in Afrika. Verder is er een markt en een fotowedstrijd. (in Dutch only) |
press briefings 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | ||
For more information: |
niza@niza.nl |
tel: +31-(0)20-520 62 10 |
fax: +31-(0)20-520 62 49 |