African Activists Archives Project
East Lansing: Michigan State University
The African Activist Archive Project seeks to preserve for history the record of activities of US organisations and individuals that supported African struggles for freedom and had a significant collective impact on US policy during the period 1960-1994. It included community activists, students, faculty, churches, unions, city and county councils, state governments, and others. Directed by Richard Knight, the project focuses mainly on smaller local and regional organisations that supported the struggle against colonialism and white minority rule in Africa, especially in Angola, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Contains a good collection of links to other websites.
African National Congress
Johannesburg, South Africa
Quite extensive and good homepage of the ANC. With links, biographical profiles, party and government documents. Regularly updated, with on Fridays ANC Today, news/comment by President Thabo Mbeki. The website also contains a section with historical documents
Stockholm, Sweden
Former Swedish solidarity organisation, est. in 1974, which is now working for democratisation and poverty eradication in Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Mostly in Swedish.
Apartheid Museum
Johannesburg, South Africa
Digital Imaging South Africa (DISA)
University of KwaZuluNatal, South Africa
DISAis a non–profit making initiative for co-operation among research libraries and archives in Southern Africa. DISA 1, disa.nu.ac.za is titled "Southern Africa’s Struggle for Democracy: Anti Apartheid Periodicals, 1960–1994", and brings together, online, scanned journals scattered in collections around the country. DISA 2 will be titled, "Southern African Freedom Struggles, c. 1950-1994", building on the foundations of DISA 1.
International Institute for Social History
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Collection of archival materials relating to the anti-apartheid and Southern Africa solidarity groups in The Netherlands. It concerns the archives and related library and documentary collections of the three former anti-apartheid groups which merged into the Netherlands institute for Southern Africa (Niza) in 1997.
Liberation Archive at the University of Fort Hare
University of Fort Hare, Alice, South Africa
Official repository of the "struggle history" of South Africa with on-line documents. In 1992 the University of Fort Hare was declared custodian to the collection of records and artifacts relating the to the fight against apartheid, including the African National Congress (ANC), Pan African Congress (PAC), Azanian Peoples' Organisation (AZAPO), Black Consciousness Movement of Azania (BCMA) and the New Unity Movement (NUM).
Nordic documentation on the liberation struggle in southern Africa
Uppsala, Sweden: NAI
This site is a reference source for everyone interested in the late 20th century history concerning national liberation in Southern Africa and the role of the Nordic countries. It contains lists of primary source material available at government and NGO archives, as well as lists of interviews with important actors, audiovisual material and music performances from 1960-1996. The material in the archives is mainly written in the Nordic languages. Scanned and audio material will soon be available.
Vienna, Austria
Southern African Documentation and Cooperation Centre. Includes library, archives (including on the Austrian solidarity with the liberation struggle in southern Africa), and publications.
South African History Archive
Johannesburg, South Africa: University of the Witwatersrand
The South African History Archive (SAHA) is an independent archive dedicated to documenting and supporting the struggles for justice in South Africa. Located at the University of the Witwatersrand, William Cullen Library, where also the Gay and Lesbian Archives of South Africa (GALA) and Historical Papers are. The latter contains an inventory listing of the Kairos Collection, 1970-2002. The Kairos Foundation (Stichting Kairos, Utrecht, The Netherlands) was founded in 1970 as a support group for the Christian Institute in South Africa, whose general secretary was anti-apartheid activist Dr C.F. Beyers Naudé.

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