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  7 items  
  1. Coalition against BAYER-Dangers
    Düsseldorf, Duitsland: CBG
    This German action group on corporate responsibility, targeting particularly the German based multinational BAYER, accused of importing coltan from the DRC

  2. Coltan - Leitseite
    Goslar, Duitsland: Stefan Cramer
    German website with overview of articles and documents on coltan in the press, German and English. Maintained by Dr Stefan Cramer.

  3. Foreign aid to Rwanda: purely beneficial or contributing to war?
    Copenhagen: B.Willum
    Dissertation by Bjørn Willum submitted on 22 Oct 2001, for the Candidate Degree in Political Science, at the University of Copenhagen, documenting how precious commodities are plundered by the Rwandan Army under cover of the Congo War, first and foremost a mineral known as 'coltan'.

  4. Guns, money and cell phones
    Boston: The Industry Standard
    The demand for cell phones and computer chips is helping fuel a bloody civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo. By Kristi Essick, Jun 11 2001

  5. Stolen goods: coltan and conflict in the DRC
    Washington DC: John Hopkins University, SAIS
    This article gives an overview of the trade in coltan, illegally mined and traded from the Eastern Congo, an area under Ugandan en especially Rwandan controle.
    By Montague, Dena, in SAIS Review; Vol. 22, No.1 (Winter-Spring 2002)

  6. Tantalum-Niobium International Study Center
    Brussels: TANB
    The Belgium based TANB is a non-profit organisation with many members of the coltan industry. Includes general information on coltan and addresses.

  7. Washington Post: Vital ore funds Congo's war: combatants profit from col-tan trade
    Washington: The Washington Post
    The role of Coltan in the DRC conflict (2001 March 19)

  7 items