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  1. Canadian trade of diamonds: Kimberley Proces for rough diamonds
    Ottawa, Canada: Natural Resources Canada
    General information and key documents on the Kimberley Process provided by the Canadian government for the diamond industry and jewellers.

  2. Conflict prevention: diamonds and armed conflict
    Toronto, Canada: Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
    Canada is committed to working with others in the international community to break the link between diamonds and armed conflict. At the UN, particularly during its recent term on the Security Council (1999-2000), Canada provided leadership in supporting resolutions on Angola and Sierra Leone targeted at this problem.
    Includes statements and communiques of the Kimberley Process

  3. Global Witness
    Londen, Groot-Brittannië
    Britse NGO die zich richt op de relatie tussen mensenrechtenschendingen en milieu. GW voert campagnes en onderzoek uit over de gevolgen van grondstoffenexploitatie op landen en hun inwoners. Publiceert onderzoeksrapporten (alle on-line. waaronder over Angola, DR Congo en Zimbabwe) en lobbiet bij regeringen, internationale organisaties en bedrijven en mobiliseert de publieke opinie.

  4. Kimberley Process (Import and Export of Rough Diamonds)
    Pretoria: DFA
    Official website of the Kimberley Process. The Kimberley Process intends to establish minimum acceptable international standards for national certification schemes relating to trade in rough diamonds. It involves more than 30 governments, the EC, the diamond industry and civil society. The secretariat is based in Pretoria, South Africa.

  5. Partnership Africa Canada
    Ottawa, Canada
    PAC is a coalition of Canadian and African NGOs working together on issues of human rights, human security and sustainable development. It undertakes research and policy dialogue initiatives. In collaboration with the International Peace Information Service (IPIS, Belgium) and the Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD) in Sierra Leone, it has launched the Human Security and the International Diamond Trade in Africa, a research-action programme. The website contains research reports and links. Also in French.

  6. World Diamond Coucil
    New York: WDC
    International association of the diamond industry.

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