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  1. AfricaFiles
    Toronto, Canada
    Canadian network on the promotion of human rights, economic justice and alternative analyses. Founded in 2002 by former members of the Inter-Church Coalition on Africa (ICCAF), and the Toronto Committee for the Liberation of Southern Africa (TCLSAC). Website contains Africa InfoServ, a free e-mail information service with reports drawn from various sources on the issues of:: Africa general, AIDS, economic justice, gender, human rights, NEPAD, resource exploitation; Central, East, Southern and West Africa; Angola, Kenya, Sudan, and Zimbabwe.

  2. AICC
    Johannesburg, South Africa
    The African Institute of Corporate Citizenship (AICC) is a NGO focussed on the co-operation between NGO’s, governments and companies. AICC believes that it is of the utmost importance to raise awareness on CSR and the role companies might have in society. The AICC is also the Secretariat for Global Reporting Initiative Briefing in South Africa.

  3. BeFSA CSR
    Pretoria, South Africa
    Bench Marks Foundation of Southern Africa for Corporate Social Responsibility (BeFSA CSR) is an organisation promoting positive corporate social responsibility by stating comprehensive standards and expectations fundamental to a responsible company's action.

  4. Business and human rights resource centre
    London, Great Britain
    The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre's on-line library covers over 150 topics, over 160 countries, over 150 industry sectors. The site is composed of links to a wide range of materials published by companies, NGOs, governments, intergovernmental organisations, journalists, academics, etc. It includes reports of corporate misconduct, as well as positive examples of "best practice" by companies. The centre is initiated by Christopher L. Avery.

  5. Business Trust
    Johannesburg, South Africa
    The Business Trust is an initiative of 145 companies in South Africa working in partnership with government. It undertakes targeted job creation and capacity building programmes, while the economy is put on a growth path that will provide sustained improvements in the lives of the majority of South Africans.

  6. Corporate Social Responsibility Forum
    London, Great Britain
    The International Business Leaders Forum is an international educational charity set up in 1990 to promote responsible business practices internationally that benefit business and society, and which help to achieve social, economic and environmentally sustainable development, particularly in new and emerging market economies. They co-operate with International Alert (London).

    Johannesburg, South Africa
    Congress of South African Trade Unions, major federation of South African trade unions. Extensive website, with documents, daily news, and links to the affiliated trade unions (Ceppwawu, Nehawu, Pawe, Saapawu, Sadnu, Samwu Satawu, Cwu, Num, Popcru, Saccawu, Sadtu, Sasawu, Fawu, Numsa, Rapwu, Sactwu, Safpu, Sasbo). Possible to subscribe to free e-mail news service. Maintains also labour links, an index of links to labour internet resources throughout the world, focusing on South(ern) Africa

  8. Global Reporting Initiative
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a multi-stakeholder process and independent institution whose mission is to develop and disseminate globally applicable Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. The AICC is it South African secretariate.

  9. India Committee of the Netherlands: Responsible Business
    Utrecht, Netherlands
    The site of the India Committee of the Netherlands summons up what is happening in the Netherlands and globally on business responsibility.

  10. International Monetary Fund
    Washington, USA
    IMF established to promote international monetary co-operation, exchange stability, orderly exchange arrangements, etc. Provides in addition temporary financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment. Many full-text official documents, papers etc. includes country information

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