Fatal Transactions
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Fatal Transactions  |  other

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  1. The effect of the Kimberley process on governance, corruption, and internal conflict / Burbank, Joelle; The Fund for Peace 2006-03-28 . - 11 p.
    Could the Kimberley Process help to improve governance in diamond-producing countries?

  2. Developments in ICC Lubanga Case / Wielink, Joost P.J. van 2006-03-27 . - 24 p.

  3. The State vs. the People: governance, mining and the transitional regime in the DRC = L'Etat contre le Peuple: La gouvernance, l’exploitation minière et le régime transitoire en RDC / Fatal Transactions, NiZA, IPIS 2006-03-27 . - 72 p.
    Three years of transitional government in the Congo has led to anything but stability and economic prosperity. The corrupt, ruling political class is, more than anything else, engaged in enriching itself.
    Aussi desponible en français au format PDF ou en format TXT (sans photo's et notes).

  4. Who’s minding the store?: the business of private, public and civil actors in zones of conflict / Böge, Volker , Christopher Fitzpatrick, Willem Jaspers and Wolf-Christian Paes 2006-03-14 . - 92 p.

  5. Mandat d'Arrêt / Court Pénale Internationale 2006-0210 . - 5 p.
    Situation en RDC, Affaire le Procureur c/Thomas Lubanga Dyilo. Warrant of arrest of the Ituri warlord.

  6. Congo vergooit zijn kroonjuwelen / Congo squanders its crown jewels / John Vandaele; MO Magazine 2006-02-22 . - 6 p.
    Congo is straatarm, terwijl zijn ondergrond bulkt van de rijkdom. Wie wordt er beter van het Congolese koper, kobalt of uranium?
    In Nederlands, English, Français.

  7. Rapport Commission Lutundula / Commission dir. par Christophe Lutundula 2006-02-21 . - 270 p.
    Le rapport de la commission d'enquête parlementaire congolaise sur les contrats conclus pendant la guerre. With unofficial English translation

  8. Memorandum on Good governance and transparency in the mining sector in the DRC / Broederlijk Delen, RAID, 11.11.11 2006-02-20 . - 8 p.

  9. Security Sector Reform in the Congo / International Crisis Group 2006-02-13 . - 37 p.
    Reform of the military and police must be top priority in the DRC, all other development and progress – from elections to humanitarian assistance to economic activity – depend on it.

  10. Other Facets, Nr.19 / Partnership Africa Canada 2006-02-01 . - 4 p.
    Newsletter on the international effort to end diamonds-related conflict.

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