Fatal Transactions
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publications (sorted by date)
Fatal Transactions  |  other

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  1. Other Facets, Nr.13 / Partnership Africa Canada 2004-03-01 . - 4 p.
    Newsletter on the international effort to end diamonds-related conflict.

  2. Other Facets, Nr.12 / Partnership Africa Canada 2003-12-01 . - 4 p.

  3. Other Facets, Nr.11 / Partnership Africa Canada 2003-09-22 . - 4 p.

  4. Against the people, for the resources: the need for stronger enforcement of UN timber sanctions and prevention of plunder / Global Witness 2003-09-04 . - 35 p.

  5. Other Facets, Nr.10 / Partnership Africa Canada 2003-06-01 . - 4 p.

  6. West Africa, rocks in a hard place: the political economy of diamonds and regional destabilization / Gberie, Lansana; Partnership Africa Canada 2003-05-08 . - 16 p.

  7. Conflict timber: dimensions of the problem in Africa / Baker, Muriel et al.; Associates in Rural Development and USAID/OTI 2003-05-01 . - 164 p.
    Detailed and very useful analysis of 'conflict timber', illegal logging and associated corruption in the DRC.

  8. Tackling Liberia: the eye of the regional storm / International Crisis Group 2003-04-30 . - 55 p.

  9. For a few dollars more: how al Qaeda moved into the diamond trade / Global Witness 2003-04-17 . - 100 p.

  10. Rules of engagement: regulating business in armed conflict / Amnesty International, Pax Christi, NiZA 2003-03-31 . - 15 and 24 p.

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