Fatal Transactions
      FT in Nederland
publications (sorted by date)
Fatal Transactions  |  other

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  1. Who’s minding the store?: the business of private, public and civil actors in zones of conflict / Böge, Volker , Christopher Fitzpatrick, Willem Jaspers and Wolf-Christian Paes 2006-03-14 . - 92 p.

  2. Other Facets, Nr.19 / Partnership Africa Canada 2006-02-01 . - 4 p.
    Newsletter on the international effort to end diamonds-related conflict.

  3. Making it Work: Why the Kimberley Process Must Do More to Stop Conflict Diamonds / Global Witness 2005-11-15 . - 51 p.
    Weak government controls are failing to stop diamonds from fuelling conflict.

  4. Other Facets, Nr.18 / Partnership Africa Canada 2005-09-01 . - 4 p.
    Newsletter on the international effort to end diamonds-related conflict.

  5. Other Facets, Nr.17 / Partnership Africa Canada 2005-05-01 . - 4 p.
    Newsletter on the international effort to end diamonds-related conflict.

  6. International recognized Core Labour Standards in Sierra Leone / ICTFU 2005-02-11 . - 8 p.
    Serious violations, particularly concerning child labour and forced labour in the diamond mines.

  7. Other Facets, Nr.16 / Partnership Africa Canada 2005-02-01 . - 4 p.
    Newsletter on the international effort to end diamonds-related conflict.

  8. Dangerous Liaisons: The ongoing relationship between Liberia’s natural resource industries, arms trafficking and regional insecurity / Global Witness 2004-12-08 . - 25 p.
    Links still remain between Liberia’s timber and diamond industries and regional instability. Lifting or weakening sanctions now will undermine peace and security.

  9. Other Facets, Nr.15 / Partnership Africa Canada 2004-10-01 . - 4 p.
    Newsletter on the international effort to end diamonds-related conflict.

  10. Diamonds Without Maps: Liberia, the UN, Sanctions and the Kimberley Process / Gberie, Lansana; Partnership Africa Canada 2004-06-01 . - 20 p.
    Do not lift the UN Security Council 2001 embargo yet.

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