Fatal Transactions
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Fatal Transactions  |  other

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  1. Rapid assessment of retrospective mortality and morbidity in Xa-Mutebe municipality, Lunda Norte, Angola, April-May 2006 / Gerstl, Sibylle, MSF 2006-08-30 . - 40 p.
    Even if the end of the war has allowed the government and international agencies to reach previously inaccessible areas, little improvement can be seen. As a result, conditions remain appalling.

  2. Lundas - the stones of death = Lundas - as pedras da morte. Angola's deadly diamonds : human rights abuses in the Lunda provinces, 2004 / Marques, Rafael; Rui Falcão de Campos 2005-03-09 . - 73 p.
    Angola's diamond industry is beset by murders, beatings, arbitrary detentions and other human rights violations.
    In English and Portuguese.

  3. War, peace and diamonds in Angola: popular perceptions of the diamond industry in the Lundas / Pearce, Justin; Institute for Security Studies 2004-05-06 . - 17 p.
    Despite the notional return of peace to the Lundas, the situation has not changed: the diamond fields and their populatons are controlled by force of arms; there is an absence of any kind of functioning legal framework to protect the rights of diamond workers and the population at large.

  4. Campaign for a Democratic Angola: Public report: Lunda-Sul / Marques, Rafael; Campaign for a Democratic Angola 2004-05-05 . - 4 p.
    Report on the launch of CDA in Saurimo, capital of the diamond rich province of Lunda-Sul.

  5. Diamond activities and the expulsion of the "garimpeiros" / OCHA Angola 2004-04-15 . - 3 p.
    Recommendations on the situation of the garimpeiros of Angola.

  6. The EU and the Kimberley Process: is the Kimberley Process an example for Corporate Social responsibility? / Hund, Kirsten; NiZA-Fatal Transactions 2004-03-15 . - 4 p.
    Presentation at the European Parliament, why the kimberley Process doesn't work in Angola. An example from the Lunda provinces.

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