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Fatal Transactions  |  other

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  1. The State vs. the People: governance, mining and the transitional regime in the DRC = L'Etat contre le Peuple: La gouvernance, l’exploitation minière et le régime transitoire en RDC / Fatal Transactions, NiZA, IPIS 2006-03-27 . - 72 p.
    Three years of transitional government in the Congo has led to anything but stability and economic prosperity. The corrupt, ruling political class is, more than anything else, engaged in enriching itself.
    Aussi desponible en français au format PDF ou en format TXT (sans photo's et notes).

  2. DRC’s natural treasures: source of conflict or key to development? / Van Hoyweghen, Saskia 2006-01-25 . - 12 p.
    Report of an expert meeting, 23-24 November, Brussels, Belgium. Aussi disponible en français:
    Les richesses naturelles de la RDC.

  3. Digging deeper: how the DR Congo's mining policy is failing the country / Johnson, Dominic and Aloys Tegera 2005-`12-09 . - 111 p.
    The DRC government's policies have not improved the living conditions of the local populations and have contributed to the ongoing conflicts in the region.

  4. Atelier national sur le Code Minier congolais / ASODHO/Katanga, NDS, CENADEP, NiZA 2005-03-20 . - 64 p.
    Lubumbashi, du 17 au 20 mars 2005.

  5. Same old story: a background study on natural resources in the DRC / Global Witness 2004-07-06 . - 54 p.
    The international community's failure to reform the management of natural resources in the Congo is increasing the risk of the country sliding back into war.

  6. (Third) Report of the panel of experts on the illegal exploitation of natural resources and other forms of wealth of the DRC / UN Security Council S/2003/1027 2003-10-28 . - 42 p.

  7. Democratic Republic of Congo: "our brothers who help kill us" - economic exploitation and human rights abuses in the east / Amnesty International 2003-04-30 . - 55 p.

  8. Scoping study on the artisenal mining of coltan in the Kahuzi Biéga National Park / D'Souza, Kevin P.C.J.; Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund 2003-04-14 . - 41 p.

  9. Democratic Republic of Congo: Peace tomorrow? / Tegera, Aloys... [et al.]; Pole Institute 2003-03-01 . - 54 p.

  10. Security Council resolution 1457 (2003) The situation concerning the DRC / UN Security Council 2003-01-24 . - 4 p.

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