Fatal Transactions
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publications (sorted by date)
Fatal Transactions  |  other

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  1. Other Facets, Nr.17 / Partnership Africa Canada 2005-05-01 . - 4 p.
    Newsletter on the international effort to end diamonds-related conflict.

  2. Diamond industry annual review: Sierra Leone 2005 / Gberie, Lansana ed.; Partnership Africa Canada 2005-02-23 . - 12 p.
    Examines the diamond industry in Sierra Leone, one of the three countries most affected by conflict diamonds.

  3. Other Facets, Nr.16 / Partnership Africa Canada 2005-02-01 . - 4 p.
    Newsletter on the international effort to end diamonds-related conflict.

  4. The Key to Kimberley: Internal Diamond Controls-Seven Case Studies / Global Witness, Partneship Africa Canada 2004-10-24 . - 20 p.
    Examines the implementation of new control systems in Belgium, Britain, the United States, Canada, Angola, Ghana and the DR Congo.

  5. Other Facets, Nr.15 / Partnership Africa Canada 2004-10-01 . - 4 p.
    Newsletter on the international effort to end diamonds-related conflict.

  6. The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme one year ahead : state of affairs in the EU / Fatal Transactions, NiZA and SOMO 2004-09-01 . - 10 p.
    Full report, executive summary, recommendations, and appendices.

  7. ROC removed from list of Participants (9 July 04) / Kimberley Process 2004-07-09 . - 5 p.

  8. Other Facets, Nr.14 / Partnership Africa Canada 2004-06-01 . - 4 p.
    Newsletter on the international effort to end diamonds-related conflict.

  9. Diamond industry annual review: Democratic Republic of the Congo 2004 / Dietrich, Christian ed.; Partnership Africa Canada 2004-05-18 . - 12 p.
    Examines developments in the diamond industry in the DRC.

  10. Broken vows: exposing the "loupe" holes in the diamond industry's efforts to prevent the trade in conflict diamonds / Global Witness 2004-03-30 . - 34 p.
    US retailers are not doing enough to stop the trade in conflict diamonds.

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