Fatal Transactions
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Titel   Public private partnerships in the DRC’s mining sector: Development, good governance and the struggle against corruption?
Auteur/Redactie 11.11.11, ASADHO/Katanga, BIC, CEPAS, Fatal Transactions, NiZA, RAID, RODHERIC
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Uitgave Antwerp: IPIS
Jaar 2007-03-13
Pagina's 32
Samenvatting Given the centrality of the mining sector for the DRC’s future, we believe that it is first and foremost in this sector that the international community and the Congolese Government must draw lessons from the serious failures of recent years to adhere to the principles of good governance. The Congo and its partners must demonstrate their determination to tackle corruption by addressing these past failures. All possible means should be used to ensure that the Congolese people derive the benefits from private-public partnerships to which they are entitled and which are essential for the development of the country.
En français: COR-FR__Memo_RDC_07-03-12.pdf (352 Kb)

Bestand COR-EN_Memo_DRC_07-03-13.pdf (335 Kb)
Land Internationaal , DRC
  • Conflict
  • Economie
  • Milieu
  • Internationale betrekkingen
  • NGO's (Afrikaans)
  • NGO's (Noordelijk)
  • Ontwikkeling
  • Recht
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