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Title   Outside the ballot box: preconditions for elections in southern Africa 2005/6
Author Minnie, Jeanette ed.; MISA
Edition PDF
Published Windhoek: MISA
Year 2006-11-15
Pages 210
Abstract The process of a free and fair election begins long before and is not confined exclusively to the fairness of events on Election Day. Do voters in the SADC region enjoy their universally enshrined rights to freedom of association, freedom of opinion and expression, and freedom of movement? It is these and other issues that begin to describe preconditions for elections in various SADC countries. Other essential preconditions include the choice of electoral system by which votes will be translated into parliamentary seats, the professional administration of elections, and the impartial observation of elections. The articles in this book discuss these and other issues in relation to the elections that were held or are scheduled to take place in the SADC region in 2005/6.
The book is a project of the Preconditions for Elections Programme (PEPSA), a programme managed collectively by the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA), the Open Society Initiative of Southern Africa (OSISA), NiZA and the Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (HIVOS). Funded by Hivos, NiZA and OSISA. The first edition was published in June 2005.
Bestand Outside the Ballot Box 2005-6 20061115.pdf (2311 Kb)
Ordering Info NiZA
Country Angola , Botswana , DRC , Malawi , Mozambique , Namibia , South-Africa , Swaziland , Zambia , Zimbabwe
  • Democracy
  • Elections
  • Freedom of expression
  • Political parties