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Title   So This Is Democracy?: State of media freedom in Southern Africa 2004
Author Media Institute of Southern Africa
Edition PDF
Published Windhoek: MISA
Year 2005-04-27
Pages 207
Abstract MISA's annual publication, "So This Is Democracy?: State of media freedom in Southern Africa" in commemoration of World Press Freedom Day on May 3. This is the eleventh consecutive year in which MISA has issued this publication. It records incidents of media freedom violations monitored by MISA in 2004. In the period between January and December 2004, MISA recorded a total of 169 media freedom and freedom of expression violations against individual journalists and institutions in the SADC region. Although this figure marks a decrease of 10 percent from the previous year, the nature of alerts and their bearing on the psyche of journalists have culminated into an environment in which journalists practice self-censorship, where media organisations are either closed down by governments through the application of repressive legislation or as a result of degenerating economics conditions and where the pursuit of independent journalism is often labelled as unpatriotic. The countries monitored include Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Bestand misaSTID2004_20050427.pdf (814 Kb)
Country Angola , Botswana , Lesotho , Malawi , Mozambique , Namibia , South-Africa , Swaziland , Tanzania , Zambia , Zimbabwe
  • Freedom of expression
  • NGO's (African)