  Manyarara prijs
Title   Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13] (Act 25/2004)
Author Government of Zimbabwe
Edition PDF
Published Harare: Govt
Year 2005-01-21
Pages 117
Abstract To provide for the procedure and conditions of service of members of the Electoral Supervisory Commission and its functions with respect to monitors and observers; to provide for the duties of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission towards the Electoral Supervisory Commission; to provide for a Registrar-General of Voters and constituency registrars; to make provision for the registration of voters and for the lodging of objections thereto; to provide for the preparation, compilation and maintenance of voters rolls; to prescribe the residence qualifications of voters and the procedure for the nomination and election of candidates to and the filling of vacancies in Parliament; to provide for the conduct of elections and the proceedings which may be taken against undue elections; to provide for elections to the office of President; to provide for local authority elections; to provide for offences and penalties, and for the prevention of corrupt or illegal practices in connection with elections; to establish the Electoral Court and provide for its functions; to make provision for the hearing and determination of election petitions; to repeal the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:01]; and to provide for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing.
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Country Zimbabwe
  • Elections
  • Freedom of expression
  • Governments
  • Law
  • Political parties