Fatal Transactions
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Titel   For a few dollars more: how al Qaeda moved into the diamond trade
Auteur/Redactie Global Witness
Editie PDF ed.
Uitgave London: GW
Jaar 2003-04-17
Pagina's 100
Samenvatting This report is about how al Qaeda (al-Qâ`ida) easily infiltrated diamond trading networks, taking advantage of illicit trading structures, weak government and trade regulations, organised criminal networks and politically corrupt regimes to raise funds for al-Qa'ida operatives and to launder significant sums of money. It presents information showing how two senior al-Qa'ida operatives based in Kenya and Tanzania from 1993, had established diamond mining and trading companies in order to raise funds. Following the 1998 US embassy bombings three further al-Qa'ida operatives gained access to the illicit diamond trade in Sierra Leone then controlled by the rebels of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF). The regime of President Charles Taylor of Liberia facilitated access for al-Qa'ida operatives into Sierra Leone and Liberia in exchange for diamonds and weapons. It also presents evidence to show how al-Qa'ida took advantage of the same illicit diamond trading structures being utilised by Lebanese group Hizbullah.

Few Dollars More 0-50.pdf (1378 Kb) | Few Dollars More 51-98.pdf (1790 Kb)
latest version, downloaded GW website 11 Oct 2007
Land Internationaal , Afrika Algemeen , Angola , DRC , Tanzania , West-Afrika
  • Conflict
  • Economie
  • Internationale betrekkingen
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