Fatal Transactions
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Title   Other Facets, Nr.19
Author Partnership Africa Canada
Edition PDF
Published Toronto: Partnership Africa Canada
Year 2006-02-01
Pages 4
Serial Diamond and Human Security Project (ISSN 1496-7472)
Volume 18
Abstract Other Facets, a periodic newsletter about the international effort to end diamonds-related conflict. In this issue:
  • Côte d’ivoire’s Conflict Diamonds: UN Security Council Imposes Worldwide Embargo
  • Diamond Development Initiative, Successful Accra Meeting
  • Kimberley Process Winds Up Third Year
  • Congolese Diamonds, Peace And Development: New Pac Report
  • Africa’s Largest Peacekeeping Operation Ends: Unamsil Closed As Of January 1
  • Liberia: Hope for a Better Future Africa’s First Woman President; Taylor’s Shadow
  • Polishing Diamonds In Africa, De Beers Faces Major Change

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Country Internationaal , South-Africa , West Africa
  • Conflict
  • Economy
  • International institutions
  • International Relations
  • NGO's (Northern)
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