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Title   Diamond industry annual review: Democratic Republic of the Congo 2005
Author Solo, Maninga, Dorothée Gizenga Ngolo; ed.: Louise Guenette; PAC, CENADEP
Edition PDF
Published Toronto: Partnership Africa Canada; Kinshasa: CENADEP
Year 2005-12-12
Pages 12
Serial Diamond and Human Security Project
ISBN 1-894888-90-1
Abstract Contents: A Troubled Transition; MONUC; The diamond economy in the DRC; New Diamond Polishing Venture; The relative value of diamonds; Disappearing Wealth- The Impact of Diamond Revenue on Development; Diamonds, an inexhaustible resource?; Child Miners; The Semi-industrial and Industrial Diamond Sector; Sengamines: From Bad to Worse; Artisanal production; SAESSCAM: Organizing Artisanal Miners; The Kimberley Process at work.

Bestand PAC_Diamond_AnnualReview2005_20051212.pdf (727 Kb)
Country DRC
  • Children/youth
  • Conflict
  • Economy
  • International Relations
  • NGO's (African)
  • NGO's (Northern)
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