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Title   Diamond industry annual review: Angola 2005
Author Gordon, Christine ed.; Partnership Africa Canada
Edition PDF
Published Toronto: Partnership Africa Canada; Freetown: Network Movement for Justice and Development
Year 2005-06-07
Pages 12
Serial Diamond and Human Security Project
ISBN 1-894888-36-7
Abstract Second report, on Angola, in a series of annual reviews examining the diamond industry in the three countries most affected by conflict diamonds: Sierra Leone, Angola and the DRC. These 'watching briefs' will allow for comparisons and benchmarking in order to measure progress from one year to the next.
Addendum: addendum_angola_2005-english.pdf (22 Kb)
Portuguese: Revista_anual_Angola2005Jun.pdf (205 Kb)
adenda: addendum_angola_2005-port.pdf (23 Kb)
Bestand Angola_review_June2005Port.pdf (1 Kb)
Country Angola
  • Conflict
  • Economy
  • International Relations
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