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Title   Implementing the Kimberley Process: 5 years on – how effective is the Kimberley Process and what more needs to be done?
Author Global Witness and Partnership Africa Canada
Edition PDF
Published Toronto: Partnership Africa Canada; London: Global Witness
Year 2005-06-07
Pages 8
ISBN 0-9768481-2-0
Abstract Five years after its creation the Kimberley Process, the international diamond certification scheme, is still having difficulty stopping conflict diamonds from entering the legitimate trade. Global Witness and Partnership Africa Canada are urging that more must be done to ensure that the process works effectively and is a credible mechanism that will prevent diamonds from ever again fuelling conflict. Diamonds continue to fuel conflict in eastern DRC and are also playing a role in the conflict in Cote D’Ivoire, two countries participating in the Kimberley Process.

Bestand Implementing_the_Kimberley_Process - 2005June07.pdf (492 Kb)
Country Internationaal , DRC , West Africa
  • Conflict
  • Economy
  • International Relations
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