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Title   Diamond industry annual review: Democratic Republic of the Congo 2004
Author Dietrich, Christian ed.; Partnership Africa Canada
Edition PDF
Published Toronto: Partnership Africa Canada; Kinshasa: CENADEP
Year 2004-05-18
Pages 12
Serial Diamond and Human Security Project
ISBN 1-894888-38-3
Abstract This annual review by PAC (Ottawa) and the Centre National d’Appui au Développement (CENADEP, Kinshasa) contains good news from a country that has suffered for a decade from the ravages of “Blood Diamonds”. It shows that official diamond exports totaled US$642 million, last year, a major increase over 2002, and double almost any year over the past two decades. The change is remarkable, and suggests hope for a diamond industry - and a country - that has been plagued for generations by theft, corruption, mismanagement and war.

Bestand Diamond_Industrial_Review2004_DRCongo.pdf (270 Kb)
Country DRC
  • Conflict
  • Economy
  • International Relations
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