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Title   Broken vows: exposing the "loupe" holes in the diamond industry's efforts to prevent the trade in conflict diamonds
Author Global Witness
Edition PDF
Published London: GW
Year 2004-03-30
Pages 34
Abstract Major United States (US) and international retailers selling diamond jewellery are falling short on their promises to combat the trade in conflict diamonds. This report details the results of Global Witness' survey and investigations into the implementation of a system of self-regulation to support the Kimberley Process, an international governmental certification scheme aimed at preventing the trade in conflict diamonds.
KV-fierens-koenders2030412040.pdf (14 Kb) - Kamervragen 5 april 2004

Bestand gw-brokenvows_20040330.pdf (1505 Kb)
Country Internationaal , Angola , Central Africa , DRC , The Netherlands
  • Conflict
  • Economy
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