Fatal Transactions
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Fatal Transactions  |  other

Titel   Other Facets, Nr.11
Auteur/Redactie Partnership Africa Canada
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Uitgave Toronto: Partnership Africa Canada
Jaar 2003-09-22
Pagina's 4
Reeks Diamond and Human Security Project (ISSN 1496-7472)
Nummer 11
Samenvatting News and views on the international effort to end conflict diamonds:
  • New Kimberley Membership List Announced
  • Central African Republic Review
  • Breakthrough on Statistics
  • Sierra Leone Struggles for Control
  • Liberia: Taylor Resigns
  • Books, Publications and more

Bestand other_facets_11.pdf (83 Kb)
Land Internationaal , Centraal-Afrika , West-Afrika
  • Conflict
  • Economie
  • Internationale betrekkingen
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