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Titel   Report of the review mission of the Kimberley Process to the Central African Republic
Auteur/Redactie President: Corrado Pampaloni - Jacques Villemain for the European Community... [et al.]
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Uitgave Bangui
Jaar 2003-08-15
Pagina's 11
Samenvatting After reviewing the various elements of the Kimberley Process and their implementation in the Central African Republic, the mission concluded that the process was being implemented satisfactorily overall. However, the mission noted that specific legislation implementing the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme was still in the process of being drafted.
Bestand missionreport20030715.pdf (29 Kb)
Land Internationaal , Centraal-Afrika
  • Conflict
  • Economie
  • Internationale organisaties
  • Recht
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