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Titel   List of countries that meet the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) criteria
Auteur/Redactie Kimberley Process
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Uitgave Pretoria: DFA
Jaar 2003-08-31
Pagina's 1
Samenvatting The list of the 54 countries that meet the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) criteria, and from August 31st 2003, are the only countries that can trade rough diamonds.
NB: 9 June 2004 the republic of Congo was removed from the list: kpcs-20040709.pdf (18 Kb). There are now 43 participants.

Bestand countrylist_KPCS_20033108.pdf (2 Kb)
Land Internationaal , Angola , Botswana , Centraal-Afrika , DRC , Oostelijk Afrika , Europa , Lesotho , Namibië , Nederland , Zuid-Afrika , Zuidelijk Afrika , Tanzania , West-Afrika , Zimbabwe
  • Conflict
  • Economie
  • Internationale organisaties
  • Recht
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