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Titel   Using the OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises: a critical startkit for NGOs
Auteur/Redactie Verweij, Myrthe; Milieudefensie, Friend of the Earth Netherlands
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Uitgave Amsterdam: The Netherlands
Jaar 2002-07-01
Pagina's 40
Samenvatting This publication explains what the OECD Guidelines are and explores to what extent these guidelines can be used to call multinational enterprises to order on the issues of the environment, labour relations, corruption, human rights, or otherwise inhibiting what is called sustainable development

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Land Internationaal
  • Arbeid
  • Conflict
  • Economie
  • Internationale organisaties
  • Mensenrechten
  • Milieu
  • Internationale betrekkingen
  • NGO's (Afrikaans)
  • NGO's (Noordelijk)
  • Ontwikkeling
  • Recht
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