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Titel   Dangerous Liaisons: The ongoing relationship between Liberia’s natural resource industries, arms trafficking and regional insecurity
Auteur/Redactie Global Witness
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Uitgave London: Global Witness
Jaar 2004-12-08
Pagina's 25
Samenvatting This briefing document highlights the many links still remaining between Liberia’s timber and diamond industries and regional instability, and concludes that lifting or otherwise weakening sanctions on Liberia will undermine peace and security in Liberia and neighbouring countries. It details Liberia’s lack of interior and border security and examines how lifting sanctions prematurely will result in an increase of armed ex-combatants, abusive logging company militias and criminal elements that will facilitate weapons trafficking and escalate cross-border violence. The Liberian government has also failed to implement basic reforms to ensure control over industry revenue. As such, the UN’s own requirements for the lifting of sanctions have not been met, and any moves toward altering them will be in direct opposition to the expressed wishes of Liberian civil society.

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Land West-Afrika
  • Conflict
  • Economie
  • Internationale organisaties
  • Internationale betrekkingen
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