Title   Lundas - the stones of death = Lundas - as pedras da morte. Angola's deadly diamonds : human rights abuses in the Lunda provinces, 2004
Author Marques, Rafael; Rui Falcão de Campos
Edition PDF
Published Amsterdam: NiZA
Year 2005-03-09
Pages 73
Abstract Record of human rights abuses in the diamond-rich provinces of Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul throughout 2004 against both Angolans and foreigners. Since the Angolan government launched its crackdown against diamond smugglers in the Lundas area, there have been reports of unrest and violence at the hands of both the national police and diamond companies' private security firms. The report's authors - journalist and civil rights campaigner Rafael Marques, and lawyer Rui Falcão de Campos "link the violence to lawlessness and corruption that ensure only a privileged few benefit from the region's diamond wealth".
Light version: Lundas-Stones_of_death_nopix_20050309.pdf (170 Kb)
Versão portuguesa:RelatorioLundas_20050309.pdf (403 Kb)
 Lundas_fotografias_20050309.pdf (321 Kb)

more documents on the Lunda provinces
more documents on diamonds and Angola
detailed map of Angola (United Nations)
See also:Cabinda, o Reino da Impunidade: 3° relatório sobre a situação dos direitos humanos em Cabinda - Mpalabanda, Jan. 2005
 more documents on the oil-rich enclave Cabinda 
and human rights

www.fmsoares.pt | www.osiafrica.org
Bestand Lundas-The_Stones_of_Death_20050309.pdf (4120 Kb)
Country Angola
  • Economy
  • Human rights