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17 januari 2002
Regarding the UNGA Draft Resolution on Conflict Diamonds
Urgent letter to UN Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives


Dear Ambassador,

I am writing on behalf of a network of more than 180 concerned civil society organizations, and the eight organizations that have played a direct role in the Kimberley Process meetings, which aim to end the trade in conflict diamonds.

We are very concerned that the proposed UNGA Resolution on this subject address two critical outstanding issues that have not yet been resolved.

Notably, the need for a common international data base on the production and trade in rough diamonds, and the need for credible international monitoring of national systems and the proposed industry chain of warranties.

There is currently an NGO reservation in the Kimberley Working Document on the issue of monitoring. As it stands, the proposed weak wording on monitoring invalidates the entire enterprise. It will ensure public controversy, along with increased uncertainty for the diamond industry as a whole.

We have recently proposed changes in the wording of that document, and in the draft UNGA Resolution, that would allow NGOs to remove this reservation. I am attaching our proposal.

We sincerely hope that the UNGA will urge the Kimberley Process forward on these issues. Without stronger resolve, the proposed certification scheme cannot be effective and will not be credible.

We thank you for your consideration of these matters.

Sincerely yours,

Ian Smillie

On behalf of:
ActionAid, London
Amnesty International, London
Fatal Transactions, Amsterdam
Global Witness, London
Oxfam International, Brussels and Washington
Partnership Africa Canada, Ottawa
Physicians for Human Rights, USA
World Vision, USA