Union Nationale de la Presse du Congo (UNPC)

(partner NiZA)

The UNPC was created in 1971 by Congolese journalists, at the time under another name. The UNPC is a national body, with a membership of journalists and other media practitioners. It has a national reach through provincial sections in all provinces in the DRC. The mission of the UNPC is to 'defend the interests of journalists' and to serve as an organising body for the media in DRC. For a considerable period of time until March 2004 the UNPC was largely dormant, with an ineffective board which did not take any initiatives and also did not have funds to organise any activities (not even a national congress).

This ended in March 2004 when a National Congress was held in Kinshasa with representation of the media, civil society and the government. At this Congress a new board was elected, and the role the UNPC should play was set out. Although progress thus far has been limited, the new UNPC is in a position to play a strong role in the future, particularly in relation to the following activities: