- Ben Ncube, infra, interview #79 (08/05/98), Appendix A.
- Caroline Ndlovu, infra, interview #88 (08/05/98), Appendix A.
- Sibedi Kabai, infra, interview #101 (14/05/98), Appendix A.
- Hlephuthi Hlephuti, infra, interview #107 (14/05/98), Appendix A.
- See Communications from Maj Gen A Bestbier to South African Human Rights Commission, dated 11 February 1999.
- According to Maj Gen Bestbier,, the SANDF records list S Robai and D Tihepudi among those arrested, names which might be considered similar to those of the two
SAHRC interviewees.
- Kabelo Kalele, infra, interview #106 (14/05/98), Appendix A.
- Lebohang Senokoane, infra, interview #99 (14/05/98), Appendix A.
- Telephone interview, 24 November 1998, Temporary Residence Section (Pretoria). We were informed that a Lesotho national must apply at the South African High Commission in Maseru for a visa. The application is forwarded to the head office of Home Affairs, in Pretoria, and the decision to grant or not grant a visa is then returned to the applicant via the Maseru High Commission.
- Maxwell Mukucha, infra, interview #134 (22/05/98), Appendix A.