Partners Human Rights Programme: websites and links
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  1. Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zambia
    Lusaka, Zambia
    CCJP, committed to social, economic and political justice in Zambia, including in co-operation with the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection the debt campaign. Contains their periodicals, documents, and (some) full-text publications.

  2. Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation
    Lilongwe, Malawi
    CHRR mission is to contribute towards the protection, promotion and consolidation of good governance by empowering rural and urban communities in Malawi to increase awareness of and exercise their rights through research, education, advocacy and networking in order to realize human development. Website includes amongst other things reports, and internet links.

  3. Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation
    Johannesburg, South Africa
    The CSVR is a multi-disciplinary research institute concerned with policy formation, implementation, service delivery, education and training, as well as providing consultancy services. Its expertise covers a wide range of forms of violence and conflict (criminal, political, domestic and gender violence, violence against children, within the educational sphere). Website contains on-line publications. CSVR also maintains, a website on the study and practice of dealing with the past in countries in transition (among which Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe) with relevant links (Truth and Reconciliation Commission/TRC etc.)

  4. Coordinating Body of Refugee Communities
    Johannesburg, South Africa
    Coordinating Body of Refugee Communities

  5. Forum Mulher
    Maputo, Mozambique

  6. Human Rights Watch: Africa
    New York, USA

  7. IRIN latest news on human rights
    Nairobi, Kenya
    UN Integrated Regional Information Networks. With free daily e-mail service

  8. Lawyers for Human Rights
    Pretoria, South Africa
    LHR is a NGO that strives to promote, uphold and strengthen human rights. The website includes links, full-text publications, programmes on various issues (including on the rights of refugees, children's rights, freedom of expression).

  9. Legal Resources Foundation Zambia
    Lusaka, Zambia
    LRF of Zambia is a non-profit Foundation, providing legal aid, promoting human rights and litigating in the public interest. Member of the Southern African Legal Assistance Network (SALAN). Website contains monthly newsletter since April 1998, annual reports etc.

  10. Liga Moçambicana dos Direitos Humanos
    Maputo, Mozambique
    LDH, Mozambican League for Human Rights, wants to improve citizens’ knowledge on human rights, and the access of citizens to the services of legal assistance, particularly for economic less privileged citizens. Member of the Southern African Legal Assistance Network (SALAN). Website contains some articles and comments.

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