publications (sorted by date)
Fatal Transactions  |  other

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  1. Public private partnerships in the DRC’s mining sector: Development, good governance and the struggle against corruption? / 11.11.11, ASADHO/Katanga, BIC, CEPAS, Fatal Transactions, NiZA, RAID, RODHERIC 2007-03-13 . - 32 p.
    Recommendations on how the current and future mining contracts can make a positive contribution in the DRC.

  2. The legal aspects of the Kimberley Process / Frans Schram; IPIS; NiZA; Fatal Transactions 2007-01-11 . - 38 p.
    The juridical meanders that led up to the KPCS, might prove to constitute an instructive precedent.

  3. Les conditions de vie et de travail des creuseurs artisanaux de diamant de la Ville de Mbuji Mayi, RD Congo / Lubamba, Jean-Baptiste ; CENADEP 2006-12-07 . - 56 p.
    Exploités par les sponsors, asphyxiés par des taxes fictives, les creuseurs artisanaux sont des esclaves du temps moderne.

  4. La réforme du secteur du diamant en RDC = Reforming the Diamond sector in DRC / Global Witness 2006-06-14 . - 8 p.
    Stronger action is needed by donors to help reform the DRC diamond sector.

  5. An Independent Commissioned Review Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Kimberley Process / Global Witness, Gremio ABC, Partnership Africa Canada 2006-04-30 . - 24 p.
    Submitted to the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Review of the Kimberley Process.

  6. The effect of the Kimberley process on governance, corruption, and internal conflict / Burbank, Joelle; The Fund for Peace 2006-03-28 . - 11 p.
    Could the Kimberley Process help to improve governance in diamond-producing countries?

  7. The State vs. the People: governance, mining and the transitional regime in the DRC = L'Etat contre le Peuple: La gouvernance, l’exploitation minière et le régime transitoire en RDC / Fatal Transactions, NiZA, IPIS 2006-03-27 . - 72 p.
    Three years of transitional government in the Congo has led to anything but stability and economic prosperity. The corrupt, ruling political class is, more than anything else, engaged in enriching itself.
    Aussi desponible en français au format PDF ou en format TXT (sans photo's et notes).

  8. DRC’s natural treasures: source of conflict or key to development? / Van Hoyweghen, Saskia 2006-01-25 . - 12 p.
    Report of an expert meeting, 23-24 November, Brussels, Belgium. Aussi disponible en français:
    Les richesses naturelles de la RDC.

  9. Diamond industry annual review: Democratic Republic of the Congo 2005 / Solo, Maninga, Dorothée Gizenga Ngolo; ed.: Louise Guenette; PAC, CENADEP 2005-12-12 . - 12 p.
    Annual examination of developments in the diamond industry in the DRC in 2005.

  10. Making it Work: Why the Kimberley Process Must Do More to Stop Conflict Diamonds / Global Witness 2005-11-15 . - 51 p.
    Weak government controls are failing to stop diamonds from fuelling conflict.

  67 items  >>
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