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Titel   Supporting the war economy in the DRC: European companies and the coltan trade: five case studies
Auteur/Redactie Cuvelier, Jeroen, and Tim Raeymaekers; IPIS
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Uitgave Antwerp: IPIS
Jaar 2002-01-14
Pagina's 29
Samenvatting Introduction on the role of coltan (tantalum) and the coltan trade from the (Rwanda backed) RCD-Goma territory in the DRC (SOMIGL monopoly) and five case studies on European companies from Belgium (Cogecom, Umicore/Sogem and others), Germany, Netherlands (Chemie Pharmacie Holland) and Switzerland, involved in this coltan trade from South Kivu. Includes recommendation to the UN, EU, governments and companies involved.
Met afzond. Nederlandstalige samenvatting (5 p.).
More documents on the Kivu provinces
Bestand coltan14-1.pdf (331 Kb)
Land DRC , Europa , Nederland
  • Arbeid
  • Conflict
  • Economie