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30 January 2003
Cricket boycott in Zimbabwe
Email protest

In an open letter to the Dutch cricket board (KNCB), Zimbabwe Watch asked to stay away from the cricket game the Netherlands are playing in Zimbabwe on 28 February.
(c) Tom Janssen

Zimbabwe Watch also invited the cricket players for an update about the current situation in Zimbabwe. NiZA-director Peter Hermes confronted the chairman of the Dutch cricket board Mr. van Ierschot on a radio programme with the facts of torture, political murders and the food crisis in Zimbabwe.

The Dutch cricket board accepted the invitation but failed to show up.

In the meantime Zimbabwe Watch asked the Dutch political parties to make a clear statement about on the playing of Dutch cricketers in Zimbabwe. VVD (right-wing liberals), PvdA (labour), CDA (christian-democrats), GroenLinks (green-left), SP (socialists) and Christenunie (neo-calvinists) clearly spoke out against playing cricket in Zimbabwe.

With the cartoon of Tom Janssen Zimbabwe Watch protests against the attitude of the Dutch Cricket board and asks them to take the human rights violations in consideration and decide not to play in Zimbabwe.

  • KNCB
  • Cricket World cup 2003
    Official site (South Africa)
  • World cricketcup boycott
    ZWNews newspaper clippings
  • International Cricket Council
    Official site ICC (London)
  • Zimbabwe Report of IDI Safety and Security Delegation
    ICC report (Dec 2002)
  • Critique of ICC's Zimbabwe Report
    Organised Resistance Zimbabwe (Jan 2003, Harare)
  • Letter to cricket players
    Organised Resistance Zimbabwe (28 Jan 2003, Harare)

  • Email protest

    Do you agree with Zimbabwe that it is inappropriate to play cricket in Zimbabwe in the current situation of this country? Send your thoughts and comments to the Dutch Cricket Board. (CC to

    More information: contact Wiep Bassie (co-ordinator Zimbabwe Watch) or Hille Linders (Press officer NiZA), 31 (0)20 5206210.

    NiZA is a member of Zimbabwe Watch.