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29 September 2005
Misty Hills Declaration

From September 26-29 2005, the members of the PPP Network; 19 Civil society Organizations from 5 SADC countries- Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Zambia and the Netherlands institute for Southern Africa (NiZA) met for the second time at the Misty Hills Country Hotel, Johannesburg, to discuss the road ahead, developing ideas and tactics for a more sustainable and just resource exploitation.

Peace, Principles and Participation (PPP)

Working together for a more sustainable and just resource exploitation in Southern Africa

Conference participants
While our countries are very rich in natural resources, as evidenced by the 18th World Petroleum Congress held in Johannesburg during the same time as the PPP gathering, the majority of our people suffer from the exploitation of their treasures, instead of sharing from the benefits.

Daily, the majority of the people we serve have to live with the following problems:

  • Violation of human rights;
  • Lack of transparency and corruption;
  • Prevention of access to information;
  • Environmental injustice causing damage, pollution and health problems;
  • Violation of labour rights, i.e. casualization of labour and exploitation of child labour;
  • Illegal exploitation of resources;
  • The threatened security of communities and individuals;
  • Forced removals of community lands;
  • Contractual bindings and absence of exit strategies
  • Deterioration of means of livelihoods and destruction of local economies;
  • Lack of spin-off to local economies;
  • Weak or absent governments;
  • Lack of and appropriate legislative framework and weak enforcement mechanisms;
  • Lack of compliance with existing norms and standards;
  • Unsustainable behavior by corporations and government;
  • Corporate finance of warring factions;

We believe the situation must be improved. Jointly, we will monitor the behavior and decision making processes with government, international institutions and industries, notably Southern African, Asian and European Corporations. Working in an extensive network in North and South, we will be the watchdog and the whistleblower, holding them accountable for the consequences of their actions.

Together we strive for the following:

Peace: instead of fuelling conflict, human rights violations and social unrest, natural resources should contribute to a just, balanced and sustainable socio-economic development. Governments and corporations should be stopped from financing warring parties and contributing to conflict.
The safety and security of communities and individuals should be protected at all times through the network.

Principles: The various economic actors have to comply with true Corporate Social Responsibility as defined by society, contributing to integrated sustainable development. The same standards in North and South should apply.

Participation: We as civil society want to be a countervailing power trough meaningful involvement in monitoring and evaluation of governments and corporations by means of introducing a system of early warning. Through lobby and advocacy, research, and a constant search for information, civil society strives to influence existing norms as well as mobilizing a collective public voice.

Signed by:
  • Juventude Ecologica Angolana (JEA), Jubileu 2000, Mpalabanda, Rede Terra-Angola
  • The Botswana Council of Non Governmental Organisations (BOCONGO), Somarelang Tikologo-Botswana
  • CENADEP, OCEAN, ASADHO, NDS, GAERN-Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Benchmarks Foundation of South Africa,(BEFSA CSR), South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA), groundWork, Greater Rustenburg Community Foundation(GRCF), National Children's Right Committee (NCRC)-South Africa
  • Development and Education Community Project (DECOP),Catholic Commission for Justice, Development and Peace(CCJDP)-Zambia
  • The Netherlands institute for Southern Africa (NiZA), The Netherlands

Misty Hills Declaration.pdf (22 Kb)
The PPP Conference was made possible by the financial support of: