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8 April 2005
Journaliste en danger (JED) receives death threats

NiZA-partner Journaliste en danger (DR Congo) receives death threats, RSF calls on President Kabila to protect press freedom organisation.

Source: Reporters sans frontières (RSF), Paris

(RSF/IFEX) - RSF is very worried about death threats received by its partner
organisation in Kinshasa, Journalist in Danger (JED), and has called on
President Joseph Kabila to take appropriate measures to protect the group.

"JED is playing a crucial role in this pre-election period and should receive the president's personal protection," RSF said. "This is not the first time that our partner organisation has been the target of threats. The authorities should finally take the threats seriously, and should identify and punish those responsible. If anything whatsoever happens to JED's leaders, especially its president, Donat M'Baya Tshimanga, we will hold the authorities directly responsible," the organisation added.

Read the whole article at Reporters Without Borders

See also: JED-website

Read more about JED and advocacy