Webdossier Democratic Republic Congo Introduction 2006 will see the first elections in 46 years taking place in Congo.
After decades of dictatorship, corruption and mismanagement and years of war and plundering, the Congolese people yearn for peace and quiet. The hope is that elections that are at least somewhat fair and honest will finally bring some prosperity and social security to the country.
What does this web dossier have to offer?
Referendum on the constitution (Photo: AP)
In this dossier, NiZA aims to offer information about the run-up to the elections and what follows. We also attempt to create an impression of the situation in Congo by providing information on a number of themes.
The site also offers an opportunity for you to (inter)actively increase your knowledge: take the quiz!
Journalist and radio producer Henk Weltevreden will be writing web columns from Bukavu in East Congo around the time that the elections are held. These columns will be posted every few days on the Dutch-language site.
This web dossier is part of a collection of web dossiers on the theme of “Elections in southern Africa”. It offers a current and integrated overall impression of the circumstances under which elections take place in southern Africa.