General Facts Democratic Republic of Congo has been the name of the Central African country of Zaire since 1998. Almost immediately after the name change, the country was ravaged by a civil war between various rebel movements and the Congolese government. Many neighbouring countries were also involved. The number of casualties is estimated at 3 million.
Despite a peace agreement and the installation of an interim government in 2003, the threat of a civil war continues. The eastern region of the country is still plagued by violence from armed militias.
The causes of the war were both political and economic. Congo possesses vast mineral resources, which were also a recurring source of conflict. All those involved profited from the state of anarchy and plundered the natural resources.
Even now, 1000 people die every day in Congo from the consequences of the war: disease, violence and malnutrition.
Population: 56 million (UN 2005)
Capital: Kinshasa
Surface area: 2.34 million km2 (almost as large as all of Western Europe)
Main languages: French, Lingala, Kiswahili, Kikongo, Chiluba
Main religions: Christianity and Islam
Life expectancy: 42 years for men, 44 years for women (UN)
Currency: Congolese franc
Main exports: Diamond, copper, coffee, cobalt and unrefined oil
GNP per capita: $ 150 (World Bank 2005)
Internet domain: .cd
Congo is populated by about 250 ethnic groups. The most important cities (Kinshasa, Bukavu, Goma and Lubumbashi) are located close to the borders of the country and have close economic and cultural ties to the neighbouring countries.

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